Kawasaki Motors UK continue support for Rob Vine Fund at the Isle of Man TT

Ahead of the Senior TT race tomorrow, Kawasaki Motors UK has made a donation to the Rob Vine Fund, a charity organisation that provides training and essential medical and rescue equipment to doctors and paramedics involved in all forms of motorsport on the Isle of Man.
The Rob Vine Fund is an essential part of the Isle of Man TT, providing the event with 130 Immediate Care Cases and 130 Scoop Stretchers alongside helping frontline ambulances, air ambulances and response cars. The charity has long been a cause that Kawasaki UK has supported, and the manufacturer is very happy to be again making a donation of £2,500 to Ros Gale, Director of the Rob Vine Fund, to not only support TT2023 but also enable them to continue the fantastic work they do for future events on the island.
The charity was founded in 1985 following the tragic loss of Rob Vine in the Senior TT, and since then has played a vital role in helping to support the medical services in all forms of two, three and four-wheel competition on the island, including the Isle of Man TT. Further information on the fund can be found at https://www.robvinefund.im/.
Howard Dale, General Manager at Kawasaki Motors UK
“We have been supporting the Rob Vine Fund for a number of years now and are fully behind the great work that they do. The Isle of Man TT races and associated events are a spectacle to behold, but of course come with risks, so to be able to help in a small way to aid this great charity in the work that they do is fantastic. We would like to thank Ros Gale for all of the hard work that she puts in to ensure the maximum amount possible is raised for this important charity.”